by Baruch Okpulor
Having known yourself and set goals to achieve for your life, you may be tempted to divert from your goals.
Some ways to help you achieve such goals is to:
v Design a Personal Journal to write down your Goals
The most difficult challenge about goal achievement is to get started.
One way to checkmate that is to write down your achievements and tasks you will accomplish per day. Your Goals must have a specific time for achieving it whether it is a short term or long term goal.
It may take you 10-15 minutes to write down each day’s progress while revealing to you how daily small steps bring you closer to your target.
Also, it removes the temptation of not doing anything each day since you know you have to put down something at the end of the day.
v Describe Your Goals in details. Be as specific as possible
For instance, consider these two goals. “ I will go the University” and “ I will go to University of Lagos in 2009 to study Economics”
The difference between these sentences is that the first is an idea while the second is a goal.
v What are the benefits of achieving Your Goal
- to contribute to community development with my knowledge
- to help improve my family status
- to help in the work of God financially and intellectually
v Believe in Yourself
The number one problem that keeps people from winning is lack of belief in themselves. Napoleon Hill once said “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve” It doesn’t matter how big your dreams are, once you believe YOU can achieve them, then you will.
v Be 100% Responsible for the Outcome of Your Dreams
Most people are yet to discover themselves because they are busy casting blames on their parents, state of the economy, poor educational system, lack of job, lack of sponsorship for their dreams, poor self esteem, etc.
Even when most people take that bold step to discover themselves and set wonderful dreams for themselves, they quickly resort to blaming that person or the other when their expectations are not met.
You must be willing to accept that whatever happens in the course of achieving your dreams is your responsibility. The mistakes, blunders, oversight, etc are your creation.
Recommended Book:
Stop Existing! Start Living! Discover Who and What You Are to Step into Greatness and Abundance
Friday, July 23, 2010
Why You Must Discover What You Are
by Baruch Okpulor
“We are more than what we do... much more than what we accomplish...far more than what we possess" William Arthur
Someone said, "Put it out with a perdurable." It is shocking that many people are in vocations they hate talking about. They do the job because there are no alternatives. They would quickly quit if they are presented with what they love to do. These people are rut in this challenge because they are not doing what they are naturally created for.
They may have opted for such vocation because of economic crunch, anticipated benefits, family and peer pressure or environmental factors.
Avoiding this vocational pain makes it necessary to discover yourself and what interests you. Realizing your life purpose is about creating, bit by bit, life circumstances that are absolutely suited to who you are, likes and dislikes, natural talents, and much more. I bet you when you discover your talent or life purpose, you will experience these powerful, sustainable and life transforming feelings.
A discovery of self and your abilities would help you recognize the quantum of responsibilities God has laid upon you on this earth to execute. It should transform your boredom to passion, emptiness to fulfilment, aimlessness to focus and determination, and failure to success. That’s why Willie Hill said, “Once you do something you love, you never have to work again.” But many of us don’t believe this because we see our present circumstances and conditions as brick wall we can’t break through and so must stuck in it forever.
This was my problem as well. I thought that if I take up what I enjoy doing, I would pack up but I never did. It took me two years after discovery of my life purpose to actually make up my mind to pursue that which I derive much joy and satisfaction doing. This is because we see things not as they are, but as we are according to H.M. Tomlinson.
So, the fundamental challenges in self discovery are to know what your life purpose is, taking the decision to go for it and actually going for it. Remember that it’s never too late to be what you might have been says George Elliot.
The Discovery of Your Life Purpose creates Direction in Your Life
The Master Producer has given a script to every individual on earth. This script is to be acted upon. Therefore, once this purpose is identified, it gives significance and direction to your life because you will begin to live the purposeful life. You will stop existing and start living. You will move from the state of haphazardness to the state of orderliness.
Many lives on earth have no direction. They are lived without focus. Many people are like this young man.
They want to discover themselves, but they don’t know how. They feel unfulfilled with no idea how to help themselves.
When you discover yourself, you don’t feel like a failure anymore. I felt that way few years back. I just existed.
The general opinion and trend is to get education, get married, get as much money and possessions as possible for self and fade away. That’s the routine. Almost everyone follows this pattern but it is the worst approach. It is self-cantered and inherently hollow. At a time you will ask yourself, “Is it all to life?” “Is this the meaning of life?” “Is it all God created man and placed him on this terrestrial ball to achieve?”
In addition, you’ll ask yourself, “If I get educated, tie the knot, and acquire possessions of this earth, what next? I was convinced the day I discovered my physical and spiritual life purpose that life has a deeper meaning than self and material possessions. This discovery would create a route upon which to accomplish what you have been placed on earth to achieve for the benefit of the world, yourself, family and ministry.
Your life purpose is the map of your life. The fulfilment of each aspect of it takes you to the destination of such purpose. You cannot get to an unknown destination without a direction. The reason of your life defines your destination, the paths to it, how to get there, possible challenges and the alternative routes.
Discovering Your Genius Gives Your Creator the glory
It is interesting to know that all things including you were made by God, through Christ and for God to give Him glory.
Therefore, the noblest achievement you can accomplish with your life on earth is to reposition it to live for God’s glory. When anything in creation fulfils its purpose, it brings glory to God says Rick Warren.
Your talents and skills are not for selfish reasons. God has created all things for a purpose and once that purpose is fulfilled, His Will is accomplished. The sun, stars, moon, firmament, mountains, valleys, land and sea, have their purpose in creation and we see them fulfil such purpose daily in our world. Man can’t be an exception. You should be excited and resolute to identify and accomplish your life purpose because God is interested in it. You make Him smile when you impact humanity with the abilities, skills and talents, He has given you.
Jesus honoured the Father by fulfilling His purpose on earth. It preoccupied His mind throughout His days in this world. He defended, preached and died for it. He made unspeakable sacrifices for its accomplishment. He was determined to fulfil the reason of His existence in our world. God glorified Him for making Him proud.
It’s your turn to discover yourself and watch the Creator make you great among men.
Kindly leave a comment if this article made an impression on you.
Recommended Books:
Stop Existing! Start Living!
The Secret of Supernatural Power, Deliverance and Prosperity
The Irony of Love, Premarital And Extramarital Relationships
“We are more than what we do... much more than what we accomplish...far more than what we possess" William Arthur
Someone said, "Put it out with a perdurable." It is shocking that many people are in vocations they hate talking about. They do the job because there are no alternatives. They would quickly quit if they are presented with what they love to do. These people are rut in this challenge because they are not doing what they are naturally created for.
They may have opted for such vocation because of economic crunch, anticipated benefits, family and peer pressure or environmental factors.
Avoiding this vocational pain makes it necessary to discover yourself and what interests you. Realizing your life purpose is about creating, bit by bit, life circumstances that are absolutely suited to who you are, likes and dislikes, natural talents, and much more. I bet you when you discover your talent or life purpose, you will experience these powerful, sustainable and life transforming feelings.
A discovery of self and your abilities would help you recognize the quantum of responsibilities God has laid upon you on this earth to execute. It should transform your boredom to passion, emptiness to fulfilment, aimlessness to focus and determination, and failure to success. That’s why Willie Hill said, “Once you do something you love, you never have to work again.” But many of us don’t believe this because we see our present circumstances and conditions as brick wall we can’t break through and so must stuck in it forever.
This was my problem as well. I thought that if I take up what I enjoy doing, I would pack up but I never did. It took me two years after discovery of my life purpose to actually make up my mind to pursue that which I derive much joy and satisfaction doing. This is because we see things not as they are, but as we are according to H.M. Tomlinson.
So, the fundamental challenges in self discovery are to know what your life purpose is, taking the decision to go for it and actually going for it. Remember that it’s never too late to be what you might have been says George Elliot.
The Discovery of Your Life Purpose creates Direction in Your Life
The Master Producer has given a script to every individual on earth. This script is to be acted upon. Therefore, once this purpose is identified, it gives significance and direction to your life because you will begin to live the purposeful life. You will stop existing and start living. You will move from the state of haphazardness to the state of orderliness.
Many lives on earth have no direction. They are lived without focus. Many people are like this young man.
They want to discover themselves, but they don’t know how. They feel unfulfilled with no idea how to help themselves.
When you discover yourself, you don’t feel like a failure anymore. I felt that way few years back. I just existed.
The general opinion and trend is to get education, get married, get as much money and possessions as possible for self and fade away. That’s the routine. Almost everyone follows this pattern but it is the worst approach. It is self-cantered and inherently hollow. At a time you will ask yourself, “Is it all to life?” “Is this the meaning of life?” “Is it all God created man and placed him on this terrestrial ball to achieve?”
In addition, you’ll ask yourself, “If I get educated, tie the knot, and acquire possessions of this earth, what next? I was convinced the day I discovered my physical and spiritual life purpose that life has a deeper meaning than self and material possessions. This discovery would create a route upon which to accomplish what you have been placed on earth to achieve for the benefit of the world, yourself, family and ministry.
Your life purpose is the map of your life. The fulfilment of each aspect of it takes you to the destination of such purpose. You cannot get to an unknown destination without a direction. The reason of your life defines your destination, the paths to it, how to get there, possible challenges and the alternative routes.
Discovering Your Genius Gives Your Creator the glory
It is interesting to know that all things including you were made by God, through Christ and for God to give Him glory.
Therefore, the noblest achievement you can accomplish with your life on earth is to reposition it to live for God’s glory. When anything in creation fulfils its purpose, it brings glory to God says Rick Warren.
Your talents and skills are not for selfish reasons. God has created all things for a purpose and once that purpose is fulfilled, His Will is accomplished. The sun, stars, moon, firmament, mountains, valleys, land and sea, have their purpose in creation and we see them fulfil such purpose daily in our world. Man can’t be an exception. You should be excited and resolute to identify and accomplish your life purpose because God is interested in it. You make Him smile when you impact humanity with the abilities, skills and talents, He has given you.
Jesus honoured the Father by fulfilling His purpose on earth. It preoccupied His mind throughout His days in this world. He defended, preached and died for it. He made unspeakable sacrifices for its accomplishment. He was determined to fulfil the reason of His existence in our world. God glorified Him for making Him proud.
It’s your turn to discover yourself and watch the Creator make you great among men.
Kindly leave a comment if this article made an impression on you.
Recommended Books:
Stop Existing! Start Living!
The Secret of Supernatural Power, Deliverance and Prosperity
The Irony of Love, Premarital And Extramarital Relationships
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Why Do You Serve God?
by Baruch Okpulor
“He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honour” Proverbs 21:21
Many people fear and serve God for different reasons. Some worship God because He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Others do so because they are afraid of spending eternity in hell while others serve God because of His blessings over their lives.
However, Satan was interested in finding the reason why Job feared and worshipped God. This curiosity exhibited by the devil caused Job much pain.
Today, Satan is also interested in ascertaining why you worship God and may push troubles on your way to test your sincerity of heart.
One story that has generated awe and much feedback among men is the narration about Job and the calamity that befell him and his family.
Job was described as the wealthiest man of the East and a native of Uz who had seven sons and three daughters, numerous household and eleven thousand five hundred animals in his great household.
By reason of God’s blessings upon him and his family, he qualified as the greatest in his time just as we have the richest men of our generation today.
The book named after him sets forth the problem of suffering, that innocent men may be visited with severe afflictions and it is a false position to assume that trials come unto men as a result of their great sins (2 Timothy 3:12).
Primarily, it discusses the true attitude of the blameless one who is visited with persecutions, who should not be arraigned before the bar of human reasoning.
The devil’s assumption was that Job lived a blameless life because God hedged him with wealth and children.
“And the LORD said unto Satan, have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that fears God, and eschews evil?
Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Does Job fear God for nought?
Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he had on every side? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land” Job 1:8-10
The second assumption of Satan was that the removal of the things of this life from Job would make him deny God and become a servant of Satan.
He taught that the faithfulness of Job was determined by the large possessions he had. His failure to know with precision what the reaction of Job would be when these material possessions are removed from him places him as a short sighted spirit. He is limited in knowledge on the matters of life concerning God’s children.
God denied him that information about Job.
Many children of God assume that the devil knows everything about them and easily yield to his temptations. We become sore afraid when he roars and threatens us and we give in. Devil recognized God’s protection over Job and made reference to is as a “hedge” over Job. God doesn’t give His children an unprotected blessing. Satan saw that God’s protection over Job was absolute. He protected him, his family, and all he had on every side. It is God’s heritage for those who serve and worship Him. He secures the on every side. His love provides for them and His righteousness protects them. His power of safety overshadows them that no power could go into and pluck them without God’s approval.
Satan knew about this divine arrangement between God and His children and he became worried.
Satan knew that he had to break this “hedge” around Job if he must get at him or any member of his family.
God gave him the opportunity against Job to prove his accusation against him. God had taken time to study the life of Job and knew surely that he would not disappoint Him before Satan.
God set a limitation for Satan, a boundary he cannot cross as far as the life and possessions of Job were concerned. Devil cannot touch any area of your life that the LORD has not permitted him to. He is a creature and can’t stand the wrath of God.
Unfortunately, so many people of God leave God in the cold when afflictions come to them. We easily forget the love, kindness, protection and provisions of God. We focus on the present and become quick to convince our hearts that God has forsaken us.
We accept satanic suggestions to seek alternative means to settle our problems as king Saul did. We feel God is not worth our patience and attention any more.
Job disappointed Satan instead of God. You are encouraged to do so to make your Father proud of you.
Kindly leave a comment if this article made an impression on you.
Recommended Books:
The Secret of Supernatural Power, Deliverance and Prosperity
Breaking the Hold of Self Slavery
Visit other Blogs of Baruch:
Power And Prosperity
Singles And Married
Stop Existing! Start Living!
Stop Pornography And Masturbation
Scholarships to Study Overseas
Holy Ghost School
“He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honour” Proverbs 21:21
Many people fear and serve God for different reasons. Some worship God because He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Others do so because they are afraid of spending eternity in hell while others serve God because of His blessings over their lives.
However, Satan was interested in finding the reason why Job feared and worshipped God. This curiosity exhibited by the devil caused Job much pain.
Today, Satan is also interested in ascertaining why you worship God and may push troubles on your way to test your sincerity of heart.
One story that has generated awe and much feedback among men is the narration about Job and the calamity that befell him and his family.
Job was described as the wealthiest man of the East and a native of Uz who had seven sons and three daughters, numerous household and eleven thousand five hundred animals in his great household.
By reason of God’s blessings upon him and his family, he qualified as the greatest in his time just as we have the richest men of our generation today.
The book named after him sets forth the problem of suffering, that innocent men may be visited with severe afflictions and it is a false position to assume that trials come unto men as a result of their great sins (2 Timothy 3:12).
Primarily, it discusses the true attitude of the blameless one who is visited with persecutions, who should not be arraigned before the bar of human reasoning.
The devil’s assumption was that Job lived a blameless life because God hedged him with wealth and children.
“And the LORD said unto Satan, have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that fears God, and eschews evil?
Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Does Job fear God for nought?
Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he had on every side? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land” Job 1:8-10
The second assumption of Satan was that the removal of the things of this life from Job would make him deny God and become a servant of Satan.
He taught that the faithfulness of Job was determined by the large possessions he had. His failure to know with precision what the reaction of Job would be when these material possessions are removed from him places him as a short sighted spirit. He is limited in knowledge on the matters of life concerning God’s children.
God denied him that information about Job.
Many children of God assume that the devil knows everything about them and easily yield to his temptations. We become sore afraid when he roars and threatens us and we give in. Devil recognized God’s protection over Job and made reference to is as a “hedge” over Job. God doesn’t give His children an unprotected blessing. Satan saw that God’s protection over Job was absolute. He protected him, his family, and all he had on every side. It is God’s heritage for those who serve and worship Him. He secures the on every side. His love provides for them and His righteousness protects them. His power of safety overshadows them that no power could go into and pluck them without God’s approval.
Satan knew about this divine arrangement between God and His children and he became worried.
Satan knew that he had to break this “hedge” around Job if he must get at him or any member of his family.
God gave him the opportunity against Job to prove his accusation against him. God had taken time to study the life of Job and knew surely that he would not disappoint Him before Satan.
God set a limitation for Satan, a boundary he cannot cross as far as the life and possessions of Job were concerned. Devil cannot touch any area of your life that the LORD has not permitted him to. He is a creature and can’t stand the wrath of God.
Unfortunately, so many people of God leave God in the cold when afflictions come to them. We easily forget the love, kindness, protection and provisions of God. We focus on the present and become quick to convince our hearts that God has forsaken us.
We accept satanic suggestions to seek alternative means to settle our problems as king Saul did. We feel God is not worth our patience and attention any more.
Job disappointed Satan instead of God. You are encouraged to do so to make your Father proud of you.
Kindly leave a comment if this article made an impression on you.
Recommended Books:
The Secret of Supernatural Power, Deliverance and Prosperity
Breaking the Hold of Self Slavery
Visit other Blogs of Baruch:
Power And Prosperity
Singles And Married
Stop Existing! Start Living!
Stop Pornography And Masturbation
Scholarships to Study Overseas
Holy Ghost School
How to Get the Best in Life
by Baruch Okpulor
“If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world." Chinese Proverb
It is interesting to discover that many Christians desire the power of God in their lives but they do not know how to acquire it. They are amazed at what other Christians who possess this power accomplish with it.
The fundamental step to receiving supernatural power and authority is to become transformed by God (Romans 12:1-2).
James Strong Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible defined the term “conformed” to mean “to be fashioned like or shaped into the image or the picture of.”
Transformation means change and change means repentance. The creation of a new man. A movement from one form to another, from the state of spiritual decay to spiritual purity. The caterpillar transforms to the butterfly and does not revert to the caterpillar.
We are not to conform to the pattern, standard, dictates and ways of the world. We must not use the standard of the world as a pattern for our progress and existence. You don’t measure your success or standard of character and values by the standard of the world. Every aspect of your life that has conforms to the world standard must be transformed as a matter of urgency to the image of God.
The power to transform your image lies with God and you must submit to God before you can acquire such power.
God’s children are busy working and sweating in God’s vineyard without an appreciable difference in their standard of life. They fall in and out of sin. They have spent years in the Lord, yet they remain divine run of the mill.
The transformation starts with the renewal of the mind. You cannot transform your life until you transform your mind. Most Christians receive the word of God with no impact upon their lives because the word didn’t take root in their minds.
As a result, their character cannot manifest God’s word and lifestyle. Their minds are still choked by the pleasures of the world. The old things are in them because their minds have no space to accommodate the new things of righteousness.
You cannot transform your life until you thirst and hunger for righteousness of God. The process of transformation involves a conscious effort and perseverance to become what image God has designed you to be.
When we walk before God in carnal inclinations, we keep conforming to the pattern and dictates of the world.
The mind is like the steering that controls the movement of the car on the road. It determines where the car turns and at what degree it turns.
People lack control over their minds and as such the ability to transform their lives by the power of the Holy Ghost because they follow Christ without passing through the mandatory process of self denial.
Jesus Christ gave two fundamental actions to be taken by anyone who desires to follow Him. Listen to Him.
“And He said to them all, if any man will come after Me, let him DENY himself, and TAKE UP his cross DAILY and follow me” (Luke 9:23).
This is a universal condition for anyone who want to serve God by following Jesus, the Christ whether a black, white, old or young man or woman.
Jesus knew that many people love to follow Him and he doesn’t need unproductive and carnally minded people. He doesn’t need people who would serve God and the devil simultaneously. He doesn’t need men who are proud and self centered. He drops from His list men and women who would desire to serve carnal and spiritual pleasures at the same time. He loathes men who would serve God and wealth together.
He needed people who would personalize their lives to conform to the dictates of God. Jesus didn’t need people who came to Him because they were born into Godly homes or their friends and families were there. He is not pleased with seasonal worshippers and workers.
He is constantly looking for people who have the firm Will to take up their cross DAILY and follow Him. It does not matter to them what they world says or does. They have resolved no longer to linger in following their Master.
So, these Christians whose lives still conform to the world after years of divine tutelage, didn’t deny themselves.
When you deny yourself, you give up the power t live as you want. You exchange your life with the life of Christ. This is the time when the power of transformation of character, thoughts and utterances flow naturally into you.
God bless you as you do this as you kindly leave a comment if this article made an impression on you.
Recommended Book:
Stop Existing! Start Living! Discover What And Who You Are To Step Into Greatness And Abundance
“If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world." Chinese Proverb
It is interesting to discover that many Christians desire the power of God in their lives but they do not know how to acquire it. They are amazed at what other Christians who possess this power accomplish with it.
The fundamental step to receiving supernatural power and authority is to become transformed by God (Romans 12:1-2).
James Strong Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible defined the term “conformed” to mean “to be fashioned like or shaped into the image or the picture of.”
Transformation means change and change means repentance. The creation of a new man. A movement from one form to another, from the state of spiritual decay to spiritual purity. The caterpillar transforms to the butterfly and does not revert to the caterpillar.
We are not to conform to the pattern, standard, dictates and ways of the world. We must not use the standard of the world as a pattern for our progress and existence. You don’t measure your success or standard of character and values by the standard of the world. Every aspect of your life that has conforms to the world standard must be transformed as a matter of urgency to the image of God.
The power to transform your image lies with God and you must submit to God before you can acquire such power.
God’s children are busy working and sweating in God’s vineyard without an appreciable difference in their standard of life. They fall in and out of sin. They have spent years in the Lord, yet they remain divine run of the mill.
The transformation starts with the renewal of the mind. You cannot transform your life until you transform your mind. Most Christians receive the word of God with no impact upon their lives because the word didn’t take root in their minds.
As a result, their character cannot manifest God’s word and lifestyle. Their minds are still choked by the pleasures of the world. The old things are in them because their minds have no space to accommodate the new things of righteousness.
You cannot transform your life until you thirst and hunger for righteousness of God. The process of transformation involves a conscious effort and perseverance to become what image God has designed you to be.
When we walk before God in carnal inclinations, we keep conforming to the pattern and dictates of the world.
The mind is like the steering that controls the movement of the car on the road. It determines where the car turns and at what degree it turns.
People lack control over their minds and as such the ability to transform their lives by the power of the Holy Ghost because they follow Christ without passing through the mandatory process of self denial.
Jesus Christ gave two fundamental actions to be taken by anyone who desires to follow Him. Listen to Him.
“And He said to them all, if any man will come after Me, let him DENY himself, and TAKE UP his cross DAILY and follow me” (Luke 9:23).
This is a universal condition for anyone who want to serve God by following Jesus, the Christ whether a black, white, old or young man or woman.
Jesus knew that many people love to follow Him and he doesn’t need unproductive and carnally minded people. He doesn’t need people who would serve God and the devil simultaneously. He doesn’t need men who are proud and self centered. He drops from His list men and women who would desire to serve carnal and spiritual pleasures at the same time. He loathes men who would serve God and wealth together.
He needed people who would personalize their lives to conform to the dictates of God. Jesus didn’t need people who came to Him because they were born into Godly homes or their friends and families were there. He is not pleased with seasonal worshippers and workers.
He is constantly looking for people who have the firm Will to take up their cross DAILY and follow Him. It does not matter to them what they world says or does. They have resolved no longer to linger in following their Master.
So, these Christians whose lives still conform to the world after years of divine tutelage, didn’t deny themselves.
When you deny yourself, you give up the power t live as you want. You exchange your life with the life of Christ. This is the time when the power of transformation of character, thoughts and utterances flow naturally into you.
God bless you as you do this as you kindly leave a comment if this article made an impression on you.
Recommended Book:
Stop Existing! Start Living! Discover What And Who You Are To Step Into Greatness And Abundance
It is Not About Your Status But YOU
by Baruch Okpulor
Your Status is Irrelevant
“You cannot be crowned until you become. You cannot become until you overcome. You cannot overcome until you obey” Baruch Okpulor.
The World upholds the principle of “Who’s Who” in the society. It is a game of prestige, qualifications, titles, status, wealth and position. It is a matter of whom you know, how much wealth he possesses, top public offices held, number of academic and professional qualifications acquired, countries lived in and visited and political posts and titles held. It is a matter of timber and calibre in the society.
These are man’s yardstick of measurement and determination of value and allocation of respect in our terrestrial ball.
God is aware of this ancient attitude and talked about it in the book of Luke 16:15
“And He said to them, "You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God”
Unfortunately, in God’s presence, the reverse is the case. What and who you are is rated by God using divine attributes and standard and never by earthly possessions and qualifications. Your value is determined by the extent to which you have used God’s deposits in your life to impact greatly on others. It is about the cleanliness of your heart and character. It is about how right your heart is with God and the degree of your relationship with Him. This is because God does not see as man sees (1 Samuel 16:7). He is not interested in physical appearance and beauty. Your status in the church or society may deceive you to believe that you may not need God personally in your life.
After all, you pray, fast and attend all religious activities in your church. After all, you have made it as far as man’s standard is concerned.
Abraham was very rich in his land with over three hundred servants trained and fed in his household, yet he had a time to meet with God. Jesus Christ had all the powers while He was in this World, yet He spent many nights at intervals in the presence of the Father.
The moment you begin to think that there is an aspect of godliness you can do without, that’s when you begin to loose grip on God’s power and intervention in your affairs.
When King Saul thought he could do without Samuel in offering burnt sacrifices to God, he began to loose his kingdom to David.
As soon as Herod thought he could live by giving God’s glory to himself, he became food for the worm. When Ahab threw caution to the winds despite divine warnings against his idolatrous and inhuman activities, he ended up dying like a pauper in the war instead of a celebrated king.
God had not and would not work with men and women who consider their status, position, and class, societal or spiritual standing as important and indispensable.
Nebuchadnezzar boasted of his might and glory in building Babylon, yet God reduced him to the level of an animal for seven seasons. Jezebel considered her position as a queen in Israel too lofty to honour God and her blood was spilled on the streets of Jezreel and licked by dogs.
The person God wants to honour with supernatural power and prosperity must drop the garment of “Who’s Who” and put on the apparel of humility and personal nothingness before God. He must see himself as a man of unclean lips, defiled character with a wicked heart before God as Nehemiah, Jeremiah and Isaiah expressed, willing and waiting to be purged by the Ancient of Days.
Your height, size, beauty, knowledge and popularity are immaterial before Him who does not see as men see. What matters is that you are willing to go with Him when, where and how He wants it.
On the other hand, don’t get scared from going to God because of your inadequacies and sins. No man that God used was righteous and worthy of his own accord or wisdom but by the grace of God because our righteousness is like filthy rag before the Lord. We have all sinned and fallen short the glory of God. You are an invaluable gem before God’s eyes, so don’t hesitate to present yourself to Him as One who values the brokenhearted and anyone with a contrite spirit.
Rahab was a harlot in Jericho, the city God intended to destroy. But immediately she showed the fear of God and believed in God’s word by hiding the two spies from Israel, God took notice of her and her family and spared their lives when Jericho was consumed by the power of God (Joshua 2:1, 6: 17).
She became a jewel in God’s eyes even though a prostitute in the eyes of men, while popular and powerful men and women like Saul of Israel, Haman of Shushan, Jezebel, queen of Samaria, and Athaliah, the queen of Israel, bore pitiable records before God.
When the woman of Samaria accepted Jesus and His Word even when she had experienced several marital conflicts and divorce in her life, God acknowledged her as the bearer of good tidings while she told her people about Jesus, the Deliverer from sin.
What keeps God away from you is not the number of sins you have committed in your past but your stubbornness to justify and continue in sin. Your societal and religious ranks could destroy you before God except you allow the Lord to purify you as you start a covenant time today in His presence and watch Him take your life to the next level while He uproots all vices found in your life.
This is the time to allow God create a new success profile for you in heaven irrespective of what your earthly description has been. The world called Jezebel the queen of Samaria while heaven called her a murderer of Naboth and the prophets of God. Lazarus was called the dead but heaven called him the living. The citizens of Jericho called Rehab a prostitute but heaven knew her as a woman of faith. Hannah was called the barren but heaven called her the fruitful.
This is the time to drop your break-ups, break downs and breakaways at the feet of God for He is ready to change whatever the world calls you but you must first submit to Him willingly.
God bless you as you do this.
Kindly leave a comment if this article made an impression on you.
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When Trusting God Makes No Sense
The Secret of Supernatural Power, Deliverance and Prosperity
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Stop Existing! Start Living!
Your Status is Irrelevant
“You cannot be crowned until you become. You cannot become until you overcome. You cannot overcome until you obey” Baruch Okpulor.
The World upholds the principle of “Who’s Who” in the society. It is a game of prestige, qualifications, titles, status, wealth and position. It is a matter of whom you know, how much wealth he possesses, top public offices held, number of academic and professional qualifications acquired, countries lived in and visited and political posts and titles held. It is a matter of timber and calibre in the society.
These are man’s yardstick of measurement and determination of value and allocation of respect in our terrestrial ball.
God is aware of this ancient attitude and talked about it in the book of Luke 16:15
“And He said to them, "You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God”
Unfortunately, in God’s presence, the reverse is the case. What and who you are is rated by God using divine attributes and standard and never by earthly possessions and qualifications. Your value is determined by the extent to which you have used God’s deposits in your life to impact greatly on others. It is about the cleanliness of your heart and character. It is about how right your heart is with God and the degree of your relationship with Him. This is because God does not see as man sees (1 Samuel 16:7). He is not interested in physical appearance and beauty. Your status in the church or society may deceive you to believe that you may not need God personally in your life.
After all, you pray, fast and attend all religious activities in your church. After all, you have made it as far as man’s standard is concerned.
Abraham was very rich in his land with over three hundred servants trained and fed in his household, yet he had a time to meet with God. Jesus Christ had all the powers while He was in this World, yet He spent many nights at intervals in the presence of the Father.
The moment you begin to think that there is an aspect of godliness you can do without, that’s when you begin to loose grip on God’s power and intervention in your affairs.
When King Saul thought he could do without Samuel in offering burnt sacrifices to God, he began to loose his kingdom to David.
As soon as Herod thought he could live by giving God’s glory to himself, he became food for the worm. When Ahab threw caution to the winds despite divine warnings against his idolatrous and inhuman activities, he ended up dying like a pauper in the war instead of a celebrated king.
God had not and would not work with men and women who consider their status, position, and class, societal or spiritual standing as important and indispensable.
Nebuchadnezzar boasted of his might and glory in building Babylon, yet God reduced him to the level of an animal for seven seasons. Jezebel considered her position as a queen in Israel too lofty to honour God and her blood was spilled on the streets of Jezreel and licked by dogs.
The person God wants to honour with supernatural power and prosperity must drop the garment of “Who’s Who” and put on the apparel of humility and personal nothingness before God. He must see himself as a man of unclean lips, defiled character with a wicked heart before God as Nehemiah, Jeremiah and Isaiah expressed, willing and waiting to be purged by the Ancient of Days.
Your height, size, beauty, knowledge and popularity are immaterial before Him who does not see as men see. What matters is that you are willing to go with Him when, where and how He wants it.
On the other hand, don’t get scared from going to God because of your inadequacies and sins. No man that God used was righteous and worthy of his own accord or wisdom but by the grace of God because our righteousness is like filthy rag before the Lord. We have all sinned and fallen short the glory of God. You are an invaluable gem before God’s eyes, so don’t hesitate to present yourself to Him as One who values the brokenhearted and anyone with a contrite spirit.
Rahab was a harlot in Jericho, the city God intended to destroy. But immediately she showed the fear of God and believed in God’s word by hiding the two spies from Israel, God took notice of her and her family and spared their lives when Jericho was consumed by the power of God (Joshua 2:1, 6: 17).
She became a jewel in God’s eyes even though a prostitute in the eyes of men, while popular and powerful men and women like Saul of Israel, Haman of Shushan, Jezebel, queen of Samaria, and Athaliah, the queen of Israel, bore pitiable records before God.
When the woman of Samaria accepted Jesus and His Word even when she had experienced several marital conflicts and divorce in her life, God acknowledged her as the bearer of good tidings while she told her people about Jesus, the Deliverer from sin.
What keeps God away from you is not the number of sins you have committed in your past but your stubbornness to justify and continue in sin. Your societal and religious ranks could destroy you before God except you allow the Lord to purify you as you start a covenant time today in His presence and watch Him take your life to the next level while He uproots all vices found in your life.
This is the time to allow God create a new success profile for you in heaven irrespective of what your earthly description has been. The world called Jezebel the queen of Samaria while heaven called her a murderer of Naboth and the prophets of God. Lazarus was called the dead but heaven called him the living. The citizens of Jericho called Rehab a prostitute but heaven knew her as a woman of faith. Hannah was called the barren but heaven called her the fruitful.
This is the time to drop your break-ups, break downs and breakaways at the feet of God for He is ready to change whatever the world calls you but you must first submit to Him willingly.
God bless you as you do this.
Kindly leave a comment if this article made an impression on you.
Recommended Books:
When Trusting God Makes No Sense
The Secret of Supernatural Power, Deliverance and Prosperity
Breaking the Hold of Self Slavery
Stop Existing! Start Living!
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